As the school year wraps up, we’ve been using/reviewing two products from Christianity Cove. Both Bible Memory Games and 100 Simple Service Projects are really more about life than school and could be used any time of the year—with family devotions, in a homeschool setting, or by a Sunday School teacher.
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Psalms 119:11

These games were clearly designed to be used with Sunday School class, but that doesn’t mean some of them can’t be adapted for families or even an individual student. You may not think rousing games should be done in church, but if there’s any way you could go outside for a brief game, you may find the more wiggly kids are able to then sit quietly during story or lesson time. Since I’m the mother of an only, I’m highlighting the games where students work alone (most of these are the visual/worksheets) or can be adapted for an individual. In some cases, like Scripture Hopscotch, the single student just doesn’t have the benefit of hearing the verse repeated over and over as others take their turns. Other games need to be adapted to play against the clock for best time instead of against a competitor.
Name of Game
Learning Style
Good with an only child
Unscramble the Words | Kinesthetic | 1 could play against the clock |
Follow the Path of Jesus | Kinesthetic | Played one at a time |
Scripture Jump Rope | Auditory | Could jump rope by themselves |
Fill in the Blank/Put Lines in Order | Visual | Work individually |
Complete the Circle | Visual | Work individually |
Scripture Bounce | Kinesthetic | 1 could dribble alone w/o relay |
Scripture Hopscotch | Auditory | Played one at a time |
Spotlight on You | Auditory | Played one at a time |
Hearts of Love Bracelets | Kinesthetic | Work individually |
Connect the Hearts | Visual | Work individually |
Hippity Hop Scotch | Kinesthetic | Played one at a time |
Clothesline Relays | Kinesthetic | 1 could play against the clock |
Trumpet the Truth | Auditory | Played one at a time |
Road to Jesus | Visual | Work individually |
Unscramble the Truth | Visual | Work individually |
Beatle Mania | Auditory | Could make up a song alone |
Point it Out Mural Making | Visual | Work individually |
Making Waves | Visual | Work individually |
Index Card Treasure Hunt | Kinesthetic | 1 person could do all the searching |
Chinese Fire Drill | Kinesthetic | need a child for each word |
Over the Rainbow | Visual | Work individually |
Doll Chain for Scriptures | Visual | Work individually |
Whirlpool Scriptures | Visual | Work individually |
Snap Snap Walla Walla | Auditory | Can snap and clap alone |
Breaking the Code | Visual | Work individually |
North South East West | Visual | Work individually |

Each Bible Memory game comes with its own set of verses, but I substituted the verses Schnickelfritz needed to learn for Centershot Archery. It must have worked because he got first place for memorizing the most scripture at his last meeting.
Bible Memory games comes as a PDF Download (4.5 MB, 166 pgs) for $29.00. There is no suggested age range (and I say start them memorizing as soon as you can), but for most of the games the kids would need to be able to read.

Our second product was based on Schnickelfritz’s need to perform service projects for his Leadership Merits. This PDF download (689 KB, 56 pgs) is on sale for $19.95 for the first 250 customers and then the price goes up to $29.95. Again, I can’t find a target age range but kids should start learning early on that the world doesn’t revolve around them. Even kids as young as 3 or 4 could begin with the helping mom or dad coupons.
This eBook starts with serving others in the home with coupons to help with chores or be kind to siblings. The second level of service is within the neighborhood—helping neighbors and beautifying the surroundings. Then we progress to the community and projects to help: the Elderly, Children, Animals, the Environment, Wildlife and Community Shelters. The final level of service is National and Overseas charities.
As I mentioned we were specifically looking for service projects that could meet merit requirements, but that didn’t seem to be the focus of the book. Nothing in the family section would qualify, the national section was mostly fund-raising for well established charities (and we have rung the bell for Salvation Army). Even the community section (which seemed our best hope) was filled with suggestions like visiting long-term sick children in the hospital or trying to keep migratory birds from crashing into windows (by putting up silhouettes). There were a few ideas (a book or art supply drive for a local shelter) that we may be able to try. Of course not everyone is trying to earn a merit badge. If your goal is helping your kids/students/Sunday School class focus on others rather than themselves, then there are plenty of ideas to go around.

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