Sunday, November 15, 2009

Review: AVKO Membership

As part of the Homeschool Crew, I was recently given a free 1-year membership to AVKO Educational Research Foundation.  AVKO is the source of the Sequential Spelling curriculum, but our assignment was to review the membership program, not any specific product.  According to their website:

AVKO's mission is to provide free and low-cost resources to home and school educators in order to achieve literacy for all, even despite learning challenges or dyslexia.  Articles, videos, catalogs, blogs, language arts curriculum and curriculum consultations are just a few of our resources.

 If you have a dyslexic child or use Sequential Spelling, then membership is the way to go.  The free e-products you'll receive will more than pay for the $25 membership fee.

  • Word Families in Sentence Context  $19.95

  • The Teaching of Reading and Spelling  $24.95

  • The Reading Teacher's List ...5500 Spelling words  $12.95

  • To Teach a Dyslexic  $12.95

  • Six Audio Workshop MP3's   $2.50 each

  • The Patterns of English Spelling  only available to members 

You will also be able to save 25 percent on all AVKO's printed materials.

I began reading The Teaching of Reading and Spelling because Fritz and I are currently doing just that.  I was an early reader--four years old.  That was so long ago that I just take reading for granted and I was getting frustrated that Fritz was having more of a struggle.  The first exercise in the book was to read a paragraph upside-down and answer some comprehension questions.  I'm actually not bad at reading upside-down, but in this case some of the words were spelled with phonetical equivilents (eg. eadeukecion instead of education).  Wow! was it a struggle.  It helped me to realize how hard the decoding of groups of letters is to someone at Fritz's reading level and my need to be more patient with him.

To see what my fellow crewmates think about the AVKO membership click here.

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